



■Why Publicis Sees Google as a Friend (ADWEEK)


While WPP Group CEO Martin Sorrell famously described the Internet giant as a "frenemy," the recent collaboration with Google shows No. 3 agency holding company Publicis Groupe has no such qualms, according to David Kenny, Digitas CEO and Publicis' top digital strategist.

WPP グループのCEOであるマーチン・ソレルが「フレネミー (frenemy = friend+enemy との造語)」とインターネットの巨人のことを例えたが、DigitasのCEOであり、Publicis のデジタル戦略のトップであるDavid Kenny によるとGoogleと業界3位の代理店グループPublicisの協業はそのような不安を払拭するようだ。

"I think they're pretty clear they're not moving into the services space," said Kenny about Google. "At least one big agency group thinks they're a partner."


Publicis held a press conference in Paris yesterday to trumpet cooperation between the entities. Publicis, for its part, has invited Google product engineers into its agencies to observe the creative, planning and buying process. The idea is for them to develop technological solutions to ease bottlenecks.


Publicis employees will also spend time at Google to understand how its products and technology can be better used. Google has also developed a dedicated sales group for Publicis agencies.


The moves, which Kenny admits are small, are steps along the way to getting to what he calls "the Internet at scale." In his view, agencies and technology providers like Google need a fundamentally different relationship. Rather than view each other warily, they need to collaborate to make the planning, buying and measuring of digital media easier.

Kennyも認めているように、これらは小さな一歩かもしれないが、”the Internet at scale”(=規模的に十分大きくなったインターネット?)と彼が呼ぶものに動き出している。彼の見解によれば、代理店とGoogleのようなテクノロジー企業technology provider(※テクノロジーを供給するような会社)は根本的に違った関係性を必要としている。互いに警戒しているよりも、デジタルメディアのプラニングやバイイング、効果測定を簡単にするために協業する必要がある。

"The relationship between the technology platforms and the media buyers and planners will be a different relationship than exists today with media owners," he said. "It's not about negotiations. It's about using technology to simplify and manage the chaos."


This kind of collaborative approach is needed if agencies are going to complete the shift from traditional to digital media, he said. Publicis expects half of advertising to be digital "in a few years," Kenny said.

こうした協業的なアプローチは代理店がトラディショナルなメディアからデジタルなメディアへと完全移行するためには必要なことである。Publicis は2~3年のうちに現在の広告の50%はデジタルになると考えているとKennyは言う。

"That requires a different level of operational relationships," he said. "It's complementary, consultative, open and transparent."


A Google rep stressed that the collaboration there is no formal agreement between the two companies is non-exclusive.


"It's an opportunity to strengthen a collaboration by putting some activities in place to make sure collaboration continues and strengthens going forward," the rep said.


Kenny said he would expect, even encourage, other agency groups to work with the technology giant in similar ways. All the same, Publicis will look to make similar inroads with the other major ad technology platforms, notably Microsoft.


Since Publicis bought Digitas in December 2006, Kenny has wanted to turbo-charge the holding company's effort to establish a greater competency in digital. Digitas has spun out a production arm, Prodigious, to serve as a shared resource for all Publicis agencies. It also has developed an analytics tool, Navigator, that several Publicis agencies and clients are using to bring data crunching to the creative process.

Publicis が Digitas を 2006年の12月に買収して以来、Kennyはデジタル領域において他よりも強い競争力を確立できるようホールディングカンパニーを加速しようとしてきた。Digitas はプロダクション的な機能からスピンアウトし、Publicis系代理店すべてに対し共有のリソースとして途方もない役割を果たしてきている。たとえば分析ツールの「Navigator」のように、Publicisの複数の代理店と広告主が制作過程での細かいデータのやり取りをできるように開発されたツールも同様に利用している。