


Enjoy Joi TV ?

Joi Ito, a pioneer and evangelist of internet, stirs up a bit of excitement among us. ■ Joi TV (Joi Ito's Web) This will be the first experimetal TV program weaved with both Web2.0 and TV2.0. Joi shows his plan at his blog and Wiki Unfortu…

struggle for existence

One exective of Publicis made a statement like "this" (see John Battele's blog). I found a single expressive sentence in a special exhibition "DARWIN - Discover the man and the revolutionary theory that changed the world" in American Museu…


■総務省の「電話番号に関するQ&A」 を見ると、電話番号は、 (国内プリフィクス番号「0」+市外局番+市内局番+加入者番号) で構成されており、市外局番は1~5桁で、市内局番は0~4桁、加入者番号4桁、となっている。 え? 市外局番5桁?? 市内局…