sets a ballot box in their website: "Will advertisers widely embrace having consumers create ads for thier brands?"
As I mentioned before, unauthorized CM created by consumers sometimes work well in the net and now are well-known as "viral CM." But advertisers/agencies don't agree that consumer masterpieces are great.
Regardless of "YES"or "NO", there will come a lot of CGCM and they'll work mo'better than now . Because they're created by creators who know very much of what consumers are interested in.
(for further reading)
Life After The 30-Second Spot:
Energize Your Brand
With A Bold Mix Of Alternatives
To Traditional Advertising
(Adweek Books)
Energize Your Brand
With A Bold Mix Of Alternatives
To Traditional Advertising
(Adweek Books)
posted with amazlet on 06.03.05
Joseph Jaffe John Wiley & Sons Inc (2005/05/31)売り上げランキング: 154,414